Our Problems

Philadelphia is [low in business density|the poorest big city|investing very little in small business programs |in a capital supply shortage]

Our Vision

A dynamic city where entrepreneurship flourishes, capital flows freely, and barriers to success are dismantled

"The city of Philadelphia is all about the underdog" - Zach Ertz

Can we change Philadelphia's business environment...

...by the end of the Mayor's term?

there are many challenges. Let's agree on the top four!
See article
1072 Days
20 Hours
58 Minutes
50 Seconds

Procurement Economy

Local Spending Leakage

The city and it's anchor institutions spend billions of dollars annually but almost half of the spend goes to outsiders.

Local Spend

Philadelphia anchor institutions spend half of their budgets with companies located outside of the city.
Local Spending Stats

Money Sent Out of the City

See Local Study

New Jobs Created

If local institutions spend one quarter of the out of city spend with local companies
Jobs Creation Stats

of total contracts awarded

to in-city Minority-led Companies
Local MBE Spend pg. 11
Problem Ahead??

Philadelphia is the “poorest” of the largest U.S. cities, with 23.3 percent of residents living in poverty, surpassing the next largest poor U.S. city, Houston, by 2.9 percent

however, Philadelphia’s poverty rate has been steadily declining...but not for all residents.
Unacceptable Disinvestment

PHL - Crisis

Philadelphia - the birthplace of democracy, has seen steady disinvestment for decades.

Single Family House Shortage

see HUD study
.59 cents

Per Capita on Business Programs

for small and minority companies
see report pg. 7

Business Density

per thousand residents. National average is 16/thousand
Density Study pg. 2
$7+ billion

Capital Supply Shortage

Lack of Capital Study
People Who Already Help The City

Partners who [Lend|Educate|Provide Land|Give Grants|Counsel|Repair Credit]